Mrs T 1

by David Engelhardt on Saturday, January 16, 2010

I was driving in a car with a bunch of friends, My Dad My Father-in-Law Rachel and Lee. We had left from some kind of Church function. Brandon was around and so was Donald. Brandon was getting upset at a Lady telling him to move children's stuff around, he was saying how they (the youth group worked too much).

I left with my Party and got into a car with the gay man, he was driving and telling me about his life. He said his Mom had left on wednseday, He meant the wednesday he was born and his Dad was never around. He said he had tried everything in the world and nothing worked. It was painful to hear but My Spirit kept urging me Tell him, he's never tried Jesus, tell him, he's never tried Jesus. I was fighting within myself. I kept asking him questions to bring him back to the origins of his pain.

We got out of the car and started walking I think we were in Europe (Because someone had been talking about me getting arrested, I said that my parents would leave me in jail to teach me a lesson).

As we kept walking toward a bridge (the party was in front of me at this point I said tell me more about your pain) My Dad Yelled out, "David c'mon," someone with me said they want us to catch up because there are pimps and prostitute on this bridge.

Kept talking with the man while I was crossing the bridge he told me he went to his mothers to try to connect with her and, "she wouldn't even open up a jar ( or vial or some kind of devise that holds liquid)," I knew he it was the source of his pain and his hatred for women and the root of his homosexuality.

I started to explain to him that roots create fruit. I was as loud and bold as I could be, the pimps and gang members tried to approach the other two members in my party but they were scared of me (the gang members all spoke their native language which I think was German). The pimps and gang members were trying to do the usual sell Drugs sell prostitution and intimidate.

I was talking loud and ferociously until Finally one of them (a big guy in a green hooded sweatshirt)stood right in front of me (we were just feet from the edge of the bridge). I put my hand on his chest and Yelled. Be slain in the Spirit in the name of Jesus! He flew to the ground out cold. It was like the aggressive power of God took over me and I yelled at his gang members hey check this guy out and then another Gang member rushed over to fight and I put my hand on his chest and the same thing happened.

I started Yelling at the top of my lungs God is Real Jesus is real, then I said, "lights turn on in the name of Jesus." (it had been very dark you couldn't see past 25 ft). Then I jumped up and slapped the lights and all the lights came on all the way down the bridge you could see all the lost people. I was yelling the whole time, Turn the lights on and off I dare you because God powered them you cant turn them off. I had lost my mind, in the best possible way I was yelling like a crazed man infused my the power of God, there was such a sense of urgency to respond to Jesus.

(at this point I was on the side of the bridge I had intended on being at with my party. Then I ran around laying hands on my party, which were young and old Christians I had known. They were being slain in the Spirit. I remember that many were being healed of emotional wounds.

After praying for each person (not everyone just those who stood out). I was shouting that everything in the Bible is real I remember saying everything in Revelation is real. I remember Rachel Anderson was with me and she was having a great time. I saw Lee Watson standing in the corner excited and nervous and I ran to Him and I prayed over him everything that you've ever dreamed is real God hasn't forgotten you, his power is real and it's for you here and now. I began to weep over him and I woke up.

About this Blog

I recognize that most people write blogs for their own creative exercise. This is the purpose of this blog. This blog is also a bit of a dream journal, as I am one who has detailed dreams. There may well be profound thoughts or at least profound to me, if you think of any please comment-