I read an article by a philosopher recently on art and music. The idea was good art and music have challenges inherent inside them.
First it is Pleasing to the senses and attractive in some way to draw you to the communication puzzle.
Second The piece of art is communicating something, we have to find out what the message is. There are challenges and when you are sure you have locked down the concept or an aspect of the concept you have reached a sort of mountain-top.
I was listening to a song last week from a cd that I've had for years. I honed in on a specific lyric that said, "Betty Ford wont you be my valentine." For some reason I thought it was hilarious and touching and the same time. I realized I got what he was trying to say. The singer is musing about addiction and the desire to be clean.
It's funny In John chapter 6 Jesus feeds the multitudes with a few loaves and fishes but then a couple of days later he says to the crowd the only reason you like me is because of the food I fed you. In order to really follow me you have to eat my flesh and drink my blood. And every one got offended and left because they were listening to what appeared to be the face value of his message. Jesus turns to the few followers that are around him and says, "There's the door if you want out." and John responds, Jesus we cant leave you you are the only one with the words of life. John is saying there is a complex truth in your words that even if I don't get them right away I know that I will at some point and they give me life.
I'm not sure why we as a society think that if you're not blatant and brash you're not communicating the truth. Jesus spoke primarily in parables and the people closest to him barley knew what he was talking about. Not because he was in the business of confusion but because there is a beauty in the discovery. When we are given a gift it is great but the idea of finding a treasure in a treasure hunt is far more romantic and impactful. There's the door