by David Engelhardt on Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Kingdom of Heaven-

Jesus talks about it quite frequently. I had some thoughts on it. Specifically regarding the analogy of the mustard seed.

First seeds are very strange. They start out as little devices and grow into larger different looking devices and drop off the original device covered (usually) in some sort of Pod or fruit (seed carrier).

We a generally familiar with seeds so we infrequently if never step back and look and the magical powers inherent inside the seed. Imagine if I showed you a ball bearing and said, "This device I will plant in the ground and it will spring up in a few years and produce many more ball bearings. A magical ball bearing tree. You would think I was being silly or just acting like an ignoramus. This process of the natural seed is just as unique and incredible.

Think about how we build things in our society. We Cut down these large wooden devices and dig out other metally devices and nail the devices together and we have a house or a chair or a whatever. Our synthetic process of creation is in opposition to the natural process of creation.
I would love to take all day to divulge into the beauty of this mystery but alas time is of the essence.

Jesus is saying that the Kingdom of God is like this mustard seed. It is littler than all the other seeds and grows larger than all the trees in the Garden. Again this is how Heaven works and how we're supposed to work.

Three things trees need. 1. Climate 2. Food (I will call this sun because trees need it for photosynthesis) 3. Water

1. If a tree is in the wrong climate it cannot grow. There is very clearly a lack of maple trees in Antarctica. It would look really cool if they were there but there not they can't grow there. In the same way there are prime climates for trees to grow in. If you move a tree from that climate 10 20 or 30 degrees in latitude you will have less and less of a tree ( a midget tree) and finally no tree at all as you leave the climate. Jesus is saying this is how the kingdom of heaven works.
Climate is the measurement of actual temperature in an area.

Here's the zinger. If you are not living in a climate conducive to your growth you will be stunted or just plain not make it. The climate we need for the kingdom of God to grow is faith. Just as rediculous as it is to believe in a ball bearing tree. We believe in a kingdom that is that outlandish. It does not make sense. Isaiah 55 God says my thoughts are higher than yours as the heaves are above the earth. Translation, "the way I do things aint gonna make sense."
As people that believe in a invisible God with invisible winged men flying all over the place doing invisible things, we must be in an atmosphere of faith.

2. If you don't have sunlight you will be a dirty moldy sick little tree. I mean if you don't have any sunlight you'll probly die. But if you get just enough to survive, but not enough to be healthy you'll smell. You'll be gross and slimy and make me want to vomit. I beleive that sunlight is representitive of the word of God. A famous scripture is psalm 119, your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. If You don't have the word of God applied to your life you may be a living organism. But you'll be a dirty, smelly living organism. You probly wont bear much fruit and if you do it will most likly be rotten.

This is a beautifull illustration of people who do not understand the Grace of God. They once heard a message about it and now they thnk God is a gumball machine who doesn't give a crap about what they do. They stink. Jude says they're hidden reefs in your fellowship times destroying anything productive. Again they are slimy smelly believers.

3. Water. If my tree was in the right climate and had proper sunlight but no water, what would happen? What would happen is that it would get dry and brittle and sick and maybe barely survive from dew or humidity but it would be unhelathy and the fruit if even there would be dry and foul. Jesus said to the woman at the well if you knew who I was you'd ask for a drink and you'd never be thirsty again. The water is litterally our fellowship with Jesus. Our experience of Grace personified. I've heard it said that grace is not a concept it is Jesus. It is the divine exchange of his thoughts to us and our thoughts to him. It is unmerrited but without it we would be dry brittle hardlined crackly bible bashers.

We can have all the light in the world, all the revelation on the scripture and the ability to walk much of it out. But if we do not interact with the author if we do not drink from the eternal well of life we become angry bible Lawyers quick to point out fault and slow to love.

One stage is not worse than the other. All these stages are places we don't have to be. Again this is how the Kingdom of Heaven works. Jesus said it not me-

Bond James Bond

by David Engelhardt on Saturday, September 5, 2009

James Bond always seemed to be rich. I'm not sure how seeing as he worked a government job. It's strange he was always drinking martini's and wearing fitted suits and staying at the most luxurious of establishments. On top of that he had little stashes around cities that held a hundred grand in different denominations in case things went south. I'm not getting down on the guy but you don't see him chatting it up with his financial planner or dabbling in the stock market and he can't just win it all at the Casino Royal.

Money what a frustrating thing. It's like anybody can have it if all they do is chase it. But if all you do is chase it you can never spend it. Proverbs 23:3 riches are uncertain things they make themselves wings and fly away. I agree. I would like to be rich that way I would never have to ask for money but unfortunately that is not the case. I do have to ask for money, so if your reading this and asking yourself where are you going with this? Well, the answer in a round about way is; I'm going to Uganda and would like your support. Click on this link below to help me get to Uganda. I will update you all as I'm over there-

About this Blog

I recognize that most people write blogs for their own creative exercise. This is the purpose of this blog. This blog is also a bit of a dream journal, as I am one who has detailed dreams. There may well be profound thoughts or at least profound to me, if you think of any please comment-