James Bond always seemed to be rich. I'm not sure how seeing as he worked a government job. It's strange he was always drinking martini's and wearing fitted suits and staying at the most luxurious of establishments. On top of that he had little stashes around cities that held a hundred grand in different denominations in case things went south. I'm not getting down on the guy but you don't see him chatting it up with his financial planner or dabbling in the stock market and he can't just win it all at the Casino Royal.
Money what a frustrating thing. It's like anybody can have it if all they do is chase it. But if all you do is chase it you can never spend it. Proverbs 23:3 riches are uncertain things they make themselves wings and fly away. I agree. I would like to be rich that way I would never have to ask for money but unfortunately that is not the case. I do have to ask for money, so if your reading this and asking yourself where are you going with this? Well, the answer in a round about way is; I'm going to Uganda and would like your support. Click on this link below to help me get to Uganda. www.davidengelhardt.net I will update you all as I'm over there-