We just met our son Solomon today. He is wonderful. Seven pounds, fourteen ounces, and twenty-one inches long. The experience of childbirth is profound and certainly sacred. The fragility of his and his mothers life combined with the corporal urging, the earth like groanings of his delivery are breathtaking. It reminds me of the scripture that says creation longs and groans for the revealing of the sons of God. Solomon is here and we are so elated to be in this moment with him.
During the labor process I thought about how often times angels herald the coming of new baby's. Abraham, John the Baptist, and of the hosts of Angels at the birth of our savior. I felt like there was an angel in the room with us. It was like I would look in a place in the room and I could see the outline of a large being and then I would look again and it was as if the outline was in a different part of the room. When I say outline I mean a faith outline. Which is the best way I can describe it. Well after hours of intense, hypnotic, contractions and about twenty minutes of pushing, unto us a child was born and unto us a son was given and the gov't shall be upon his shoulders... All that to say it was an amazing experience.
As I have been sitting here next to my beautiful wife and new baby I came across a profoundly disturbing story that can be read here. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-met-nu-prof-apology-20110305,0,6838703.story?track=rss
The short story is about a par-for-course psychology professor from Northwestern University in Chicago who allows a live-sex demonstration in his class. The fashion of the demonstration was so graphic I'm not sure how to detail it, so I wont. But it got me thinking. The professor was quoted as saying, there is nothing wrong with doing that (having a live sex show at school) and even those who don't like it wont tell me why it's wrong.
After reading the article my head was spinning. I thought, "Well of course you don't think it's wrong." Because acoording to your humanistic-mechanism, atheist, ego-ology; nothing can be wrong unless it hurts someone and that pain is against there will. That is the limit to our colleges (and the devil's) moral system. It is do unto others outside of the bounds of biblical morality. So if my friend wants me to chop his arms off, why not? He wants me to and I would enjoy doing that?
One of the dangers of this kind of thought is; There is nothing sacred. Why do I not want you to get screwed like an animal in front of a hundred people? Because I believe that sexuality is a sacred gift and not on the same level as chewing a piece of gum. Why Do I not want you to cut your arm off, because I believe that the body is a gift, a beautiful sacred gift that should be cherished and taken care of, it is valuable and not just a mass of cells accidentally joined together. I love the song, "you and me baby aint nothin but mammals, so lets do it like they do on the discovery channel." It was a big hit when I was getting out of high school. A funny joke right? No it was rather a prophetic declaration over my generation and it seems to have foreseen what was inevitable.
Rant: I don't understand why learning about biology takes away the beauty of a thing. All of a sudden because we know there's a chemical fireworks show during the birth of a baby it becomes base or common? Because we know how flowers are pollinated does that destroy the delicacy of the flower? Science has given us nothing but longevity and the ability to meet our carnal needs (desires) sooner. It has given us no morality, it has given us nothing sacred, it has allowed us to spend out money for more years at casino's and given us R.V.'s to drive around while we're old and alone, oh yea and we can take a pill so we can get more sex even at eighty. Science / Learning has been the God of our culture and what a cold cruel bastard-child it is.
Why do we need the sacred? Because of Solomon. Because his birth is important, weighty, a thing to be cherished remembered and enjoyed. Because one day he'll leave the house and he and I will go on a drive and talk about life... that will be sacred. One day he'll get married that will be sacred and one day not to far from now I'll be a grandfather and he'll be having a baby, that will be sacred...