This post is entirely for personal history.
I haven't had a good life-directional dream in a while. I don't know if it's law school that is draining my dream life but on the eve of this spring break a had a significant dream. I
I was sitting in the front of a class, Civil Procedure perhaps, at least it was that class room, as I was sitting there, something frustrated me, I'm not sure what, and I got up to move to another seat. When I had originally entered the class it was empty, as far as the seating (maybe 5-10 people). When I got up to move seats this time, the class was full and there was only one seat left at the top. I walked to the back of the class and took my seat, and to my amazement a friend (that I haven't talked to for a couple of years), was sitting in the seat beside me. I was excited to see him, in the area of his gifting he is the most naturally creative and skillful people I have ever met. If this guy would have ever attempted to discipline / develop his skill he could easily be a professional artist. In real life he has very straight and normal teeth. In the dream his teeth were yellow, crooked, and one or two missing. He smelled like a cigarette butt and looked disheveled. But there was still this recognition of latent genius or at least latent brilliance. I said what are you doing here? He started to come up with a story and then said, c'mon you know why I'm here. Then he said soooooooooooooo. I knew he meant he wanted to move in. I said, of course you can move in but there are a few things you need to do. I don't remember the list but it consisted of things like, going to church, being involved with people that weren't drunks and bums, going back to school, developing his gift, etc etc. He kind of brushed it off and said naahh, I can still move in without doing that stuff. I was about to turn to him and tell him there was no option, it was a take it or leave it situation. At that moment, chapel started, in class. Chapel started with a standard five piece rock and roll worship team, someone turned to me and asked if this was normal, and I said year the worship was pretty white here, My friend was standing next to me. When I looked down, there was suddenly a new worship team. An African American choir was now standing on stage and began to sing. I thought that it was interesting but I liked the soul they brought. My friend sat down and the person beside me left at the sight of the black choir.
I woke up and knew what it meant. Earlier, I had a conversation with a friend and he told me it was not common for people like me to exist in law school. Artistic and intelligent/ successful law student. In fact when I though about it I realized there was not anyone with the same gift set in my law school. While that is nice it is challenging. I think my tendency in this season is to move to the side of my nature that is: wild, undisciplined, artistic, and essentially lost, homeless and stained.
That is a dangerous placement.
One comment
crazy. i love dreams.
by Molly on March 27, 2012 at 5:47 PM. #