Africa Rant

by David Engelhardt on Thursday, November 19, 2009

Questions and thoughts from Africa. I am asking the question, how could a Nation be 80% Christian and have such severe poverty, Why are the majority of nice cars I see stamped with “World Vision” or “UN.” Why are the Women working while the men hangout in clusters playing pool or just shooting the breeze. Why is a Land so conducive to crop growth so agriculturally underdeveloped? Why are people out of water when I can see Lake Victoria from my Terrace (one of the biggest lakes in the world). Why does the electricity turn off in a neighborhood for 4 hours at a time?

I’m sure the specialists have answers for all of this but the stark contrast is why are there other international companies shipping their goods in to meet Africa’s immediate needs without recognizing the complete absence of real industrial substructure. Here is my idea. As a nation set up an embargo in where you would cease to receive products from major corporations until they helped your countries basic utilities, Power, Water, Sewer and Waste Removal. It would go something like this, “Dear Coke we are not selling anymore of Your damn product unless you help us build a Hydro-Electric Power Plant on the Nile.” There is a Coca-Cola Africa foundation I’m not trying to specifically bash Coke just making a point. (I love coke)

A house without a foundation is such a funny picture. One could have chandeliers and a beautiful coffee table but if there is no foundation the structure will be destroyed. Economic instability creates political instability. So if a people are economically unstable and dissatisfied they start pointing fingers, then you have coupes and rebellions and genocide.

From my perspective the economic aspect is not nearly s important as the moral foundation being built. Husbands having one wife, loving each other etc. Immediate pleasure is far more real and tangible than a hope of a strong society, You might as well just save your money and move to the States.

So there has to be a Church, it has to trumpet Kingdom morality and standards. It has to underlay a foundation of self government. But it is much harder to put a new foundation on an existing home than it is to start fresh. But you cant start fresh! Even though we are born into sin with hundreds of years of traditions that are self damaging there is still hope.

Hope is such stark contrast in a war torn nation. Children believing the can be Doctors and Lawyers, parents living for the next generation rather than for themselves young people with the look in their eye that says, "I'm here to change something and I'm not leaving until it happens," those are the embers we blow on. That is where change happens. Missions is essential even if it only comes along side and encourages what God has already established, (although small) a good and solid foundation.

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I recognize that most people write blogs for their own creative exercise. This is the purpose of this blog. This blog is also a bit of a dream journal, as I am one who has detailed dreams. There may well be profound thoughts or at least profound to me, if you think of any please comment-