Tuesday February 9th

by David Engelhardt on Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I should be at Church Right Now. I have been there almost every Tuesday for the past three and a half years.

I, with the oversight of the pastors at Life Church, am changing our youth ministry model. It has been successful in reaching and touching a number of lives and even radically transforming some of those lives from sad pathetic humans to real living, breathing, punching, kicking, Christians.

But we want to see more. We still believe in the Bible. We believe God can touch thousands in a day or he can touch thousands through a hundred young people. We still believe that the gospel is radical, confrontational, powerful, and the only hope this world's got. We believe that Jesus came for the hungry and broken. If you're fat with the desires of your carnality, stay that way. But if you believe there is something more, something deeper, something eternal calling you, come with us-

Ps. The picture is Death sharpening his blade... you can figure out the rest

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I recognize that most people write blogs for their own creative exercise. This is the purpose of this blog. This blog is also a bit of a dream journal, as I am one who has detailed dreams. There may well be profound thoughts or at least profound to me, if you think of any please comment-