How to use a hammer

by David Engelhardt on Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Logical Directions,

If I have the correct Logical framework and plug in plausible axioms I can reach various conclusions. The standard deductive framework, of course is, 'Socrates is a man, all men are mortal, therefore Socrates is mortal.'  But our problem today is not so much the framework but rather the axioms. The 'self-evident truths' we plug into those frameworks that get us into trouble.

The issue then is what are self evident truths. Let's take a moral axiom like, don't hurt anyone. for instance. Let's plug it into the framework. When we hurt people its bad, David hurt someone, therefore David acted bad(ly). But logic is simply a tool. So when we say it logically follows or doesn't follow. What axioms are we saying that according to. Who's oughts are we using?

I need to think about this more...

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